Swimhike Exploration

Wherever you are in the world,  somewhere nearby a swimhike is waiting to be discovered.


Where will they take you?  and what next?–For who knows where you might land.  Indeed (if you look carefully at the photo), who knows what might land on you!

Larger Rivers

Are powerful and exciting to be pulled along in.  But  there are reasons for caution.  It is easy to get into a river, but you also need to get out again.  The speed of the water can intensify and take you where it will, rather than where you want to go. And with large rivers come large boats

Swimhiking in Britain and Europe includes short routes in The Danube and The Rhone.  For dramatic tales of much longer routes, try the autobiography of nineteenth century swimhiking pioneer, Paul Boyton.

Mountains and Lakes

Make for wonderful swimhiking–as do mountains and the sea.   In the mountains hiking abilities become a factor.  In particular, to take full advantage of  natural routes that cross water, you may well want to be off paths–and this will require navigation skills. (Or does it? Perhaps mobile phones can do all your navigation for you?  I am still so wedded to my old fashioned map and compass that I don’t really know.)


Swimhiking in the Lake District and North East England describes mountain routes, including Loweswater, pictured here. HebSeaSwimmer shows routes in the Hebrides.  And here is a challlenging Swiss route.